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Documentation about Multivariate scenario

Documentation about Multivariate mechanisms

missing-data-generator has a multivariate approach that refers to more than one feature in a dataset containing missing values. From this concept, the literature presents three mechanisms: Missing Completely at Random (MCAR), Missing Not at Random (MNAR), and Missing at Random (MAR). Each mechanism has different strategies for choosing the missing locations, which are implemented in this Python package. For all methods in multivariate, the missing data rate is calculated for the entire dataset.

The strategies to generate artificial missing data are described as follows:

Missing at Random (MAR)

  • random: This method generates artificial missing data in n_xmiss features, selected randomly. If n_xmiss is not specified, it defaults to two. However, an error may occur depending on the input dataset's length. Both the observed feature and x_miss are randomly chosen. The missing locations in x_miss are determined by the lower values in the observed feature for each corresponding x_miss.

  • correlated: This method generates missing data in features from the dataset, excluding the class (target). The strategy involves creating pairs/triples of features based on their correlation. For each pair, the most correlated feature with the class becomes x_miss, while the remaining is the observed feature (x_obs) determining missing locations in x_miss. In the case of triples, the first and second features most correlated with the class are designated as x_miss, and the third is x_obs. The selection criterion involves choosing the lowest values from the observed feature. Given that only one feature in a pair experiences missing data, the missing rate is twice the input missing rate. For triples, it is 1.5 times the missing rate.

  • median: This method generates artificial missing data in the dataset, excluding the class (target). The strategy entails creating pairs/triples of features based on their correlation. For each pair/triple, an observed feature (x_obs) is randomly selected. The median of x_obs establishes two groups—those lower and those equal to or higher than the median. Subsequently, a group is randomly chosen, and the lowest values within it determine the missing locations in x_miss. It is essential to note that for triples, two features will be designated as x_miss. Like the correlated method, the missing rate is twice the input rate for pairs and 1.5 times for triples rate.

Missing Not at Random (MNAR)

  • random: Method to randomly choose the n_xmiss features x_miss in the dataset to generate missing data. The missing locations in x_miss are determined by the lower values based on an unobserved or feature itself.

  • correlated: The correlated method mirrors the approach used in the Correlated Method of the Missing at Random (MAR). However, in the case of Missing Not at Random (MNAR), this technique diverges by avoiding using observed features from the dataset. Instead, MNAR employs an unobserved random feature that is not present in the dataset or uses the feature values itself.

  • median: The median method shares similarities with the Median Method in the Missing at Random (MAR). However, in the case of Missing Not at Random (MNAR), this technique diverges by avoiding using observed features from the dataset. Instead, MNAR employs an unobserved random feature that is not present in the dataset or uses the feature values itself.

  • MBOUV: Method to generate missing data based on the Missingness Based on Own and Unobserved Values (MBOUV), and it is described as follows: MBUV is applied to all nominal features and half of the continuous ones, while MBOV (with lower values removal) is applied to the remaining half of the features. Both approaches are applied iteratively, and the split of continuous features is performed randomly.

  • MBOV_randomness: Method to generate missing data based on Missingness Based on Own Values (MBOV) using randomness to choose missing locations in each input feature. Randomness is a float between 0 and 0.5, introducing stochasticity to generate the missing locations in x_miss. If randomness equals 0, only the lowest values will be selected.

  • MBOV_median: Method to generate missing data based on Missingness Based on Own Values (MBOV) using the median to choose missing locations in each input feature. For this method, object types are not allowed. The missing locations are closer to the median of each feature. We utilize np.argsort of the difference between the current value and the median of the feature. The N lowest values are selected to be missing.

  • MBIR: Method to generate missing data based on Missingness Based on Intra-Relation (MBIR). MBIR is a novel approach to generating missing data by the MNAR mechanism. This method is based on the MAR strategy and involves finding the lowest values from an observed feature x_obs. Then, x_miss receives the missing values, and an auxiliary indicator is created, which is 1 for missing and 0 otherwise. The user can select the statistical method to evaluate if evidence of a significant difference exists. Finally, the feature with the most statistically significant differences is selected to determine the missing locations, and after that, it is removed from the dataset. This feature is dropped because MNAR uses an unobserved feature from the dataset. It is essential to clarify that if the user inputs all columns in the dataset, the entire dataset will be dropped.

Missing Completly at Random (MCAR)

  • random: Method to generate missing data in all datasets randomly.

  • binomial: Function to generate missing data in input columns by Bernoulli distribution for each attribute informed. It is important to clarify that, similar to univariate MCAR binomial, occasionally, this method may only partially generate the missing rate specified by the user.